Thursday, 27 February 2014


Last Tuesday 25th February, four basketball players from Peñas Team visited us.
They were Edgar Vicedo, Edu Gatell, Pierre Oriola and Nick Washburn.

 We did two different activities. The first one was with the pupils of 6th course. They were as journalist and they had to ask some questions about the personal and proffesional lifes.

The second activity was with the pupils of 5th course. There were two rounds. In the first round, the basketball players spelled some words to the volunteers. In the second round they said some words and the students has to guess it.

The basketplayers and the volunteers of the spelling game: Georgiana, Teresa, Inés, Miriam, Andreea, Beatriz, Marta, Rafa, Pablo, Daniel, Steven, Houssam, Alfonso, Javier, Alberto and Laude.

The basketball players and the 5th course pupils

The basketball players and the 6th course pupils

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